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Awesome Tips From Digital Dealer 22


The Hair and I took a stroll around the convention center floor last week at Digital Dealer 22, talking to vendors and dealers about how things are changing in 2017. We had some amazing conversations, laughed a lot (you’ll see the fun stuff in next week’s video), and collected some incredible tips for dealers to help them to make this year even better.

Take a few minutes to watch – you don’t want to miss these amazing tips!

Author Greg Gifford

Greg Gifford is the Vice President of Search at DealerOn. He has over 16 years of online marketing and web design experience, and has specialized in automotive SEO for the last 8 years, helping hundreds of auto dealers thrive while the industry has struggled during the recession. Greg speaks internationally at both automotive and SEO conferences, teaching thousands of small business owners and marketers how to get their sites to show up higher in local search rankings. Greg also spends his spare time doing freelance website design and SEO for local businesses. He graduated from Southern Methodist University with a BA in Cinema and Communications, and has an obscure movie quote for just about any situation.

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