Website Optimization – DealerOn Thu, 01 Feb 2024 15:25:55 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Website Optimization – DealerOn 32 32 Four Ways AI Will Change Dealer Websites Thu, 10 Jun 2021 14:44:35 +0000 AI is the must-have tool for the next generation of websites. What can it do for your dealership? Technology has finally advanced to the point that AI (Artificial Intelligence) is becoming a reality. While large companies are making headway using AI as a tool in their customer service, many smaller businesses are wondering if it makes sense to take the...

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Boost Phone Calls With One Simple Mobile Trick Thu, 25 Jun 2020 13:53:02 +0000 Today’s blog will help supercharge your mobile site’s lead-gathering potential with a single small addition. Ever leave the grocery store with something you didn’t intend to buy? Maybe you ignored hundreds of years of wisdom and went shopping while hungry and now you’re carting home a family-sized bag of Mac and cheese (whether it was intended for a family or...

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5 Things to Optimize on Your Website While You’re Safe at Home Thu, 07 May 2020 13:51:24 +0000 When the world feels out of control, one of the best things you can do is pick a problem you can solve. You get the satisfaction of having fixed something and the utility of whatever it was you fixed. While you’re responsibly staying at home, it’s a good time to look at your website and make certain it’s humming along...

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Impact of a Custom-Written Landing MRP Thu, 13 Feb 2020 13:00:06 +0000 We walk around every day with a computer that has access to the bulk of all human knowledge in our pockets. Is it any shock that people want to use it? 95% of consumers research a vehicle purchase online before ever setting foot inside a dealership, and the only thing shocking about that figure is how low it is. Imagine...

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5 Ways To Recession-Proof Your Website Thu, 02 Jan 2020 13:30:58 +0000 5 Ways to Recession-Proof Your Dealership If someone tells you they can see the future, they’re probably looking to put one over on you. It doesn’t matter who you are, all you can do is hope for the best while preparing for the worst. On that latter point, more than one indicator is hinting that we’re heading for a recession...

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ADA Compliance – How accessible is your website? Wed, 11 Dec 2019 17:17:25 +0000 The Americans with Disabilities Act, otherwise known as ADA requires that places of public accommodation are fully accessible. Your website is no exception. There is a lot of gray area in the law as it stands today, but it hasn’t stopped the huge increase in lawsuits over the last year with websites that don’t meet these standards. This has been...

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Search Valet | Master Your Site’s Search Tool Fri, 08 Feb 2019 15:23:26 +0000 Whether you’re searching for a specific car or a certain trim on a dealership’s site, nobody wants to re-type the vehicle name multiple times to get accurate results. By the time a customer reaches the search results page, their patience is already stretched thin. Far too many dealers have been subject to poorly designed search widgets that lead to a...

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Dealer Edition: How to Prep for the Holiday Season Fri, 16 Nov 2018 22:17:46 +0000 You hear those sleigh bells jingling, ring-ting tingling, too. The holiday season is upon us and it’s everybody’s dream to wake up on Christmas Day with a brand new car on their driveway. Dealers are in fierce competition during the final stretch of the year, with promotions happening everywhere. If you’re not preparing for the holiday season by getting your...

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Google Analytics 101: Segments Tue, 30 Oct 2018 22:06:11 +0000 Have you ever downloaded a giant spreadsheet with an overwhelming amount of data? How about a copy of your cell phone bill, calls & texts included? Ever made the mistake of saying “yes” to the receipt at CVS? There’s only so much data you can process at one time, and then you have to start breaking it up into chunks,...

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SEO Through the Years: How the Importance of Backlinks Has Changed Mon, 01 Oct 2018 15:22:25 +0000 Most of you know that backlinks matter for SEO, but do you know why? If you’re new to the digital space, you may not realize how important backlinks are; or that their importance ebbs and flows as the search algorithm is updated. Understanding what backlinks do and how their impact has changed over time can help you build a better...

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Icon Responsibly Wed, 12 Sep 2018 17:23:33 +0000   When it comes to icons, these visuals that constantly surround us, we automatically connect messages to them. Stop signs tell us to stop, speed limit signs tell us how fast we can go and so on. Icons on a website are very similar, these image shortcuts convey a message. Websites sometimes use icons instead of text because the goal...

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Pods vs. Banners Wed, 22 Aug 2018 17:20:51 +0000 The curiosity is killing you, we know. What’s the verdict, pods or banners? Well, before we say it’s time to lean towards pods, let’s explain why. What are pods? Pods are simply larger scale images or hyperlinks that define user flow into a few designated areas on a website. This creates tactical conversion path creation. Pods tend to create the...

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The Top Three Ways Enterprise Specials Manager Makes Special Offers Rock Mon, 16 Jul 2018 19:52:17 +0000 If you have a special out there that is going to dominate the market, then you need to do everything in your power to make sure it gets noticed, and that requires using cutting-edge technology. DealerOn’s Enterprise Special Manager (ESM) puts that power into the dealer’s hands by enabling easy and efficient creation and editing of special offers. Here are...

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Balancing Mobile and Desktop Goals Mon, 30 Apr 2018 14:00:58 +0000 Did you know that mobile conversion rates are less than 50% of desktop conversion rates? So, why are digital marketers always going on and on about the importance of a mobile strategy? More and more consumers are researching cars and dealers on their phones, and if you’re not optimizing for the device and bringing in those leads, you’re falling behind...

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4 Myths About Responsive Web Design Debunked Mon, 05 Mar 2018 13:28:26 +0000 Responsive web design as a mobile-first strategy has been floating around for a while, and more and more dealer websites are getting on board with it. But there are still a few hesitating to jump on this band wagon, and I think it might have something to do with the myths surrounding RWD. But first, what exactly is Responsive Web...

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Don’t Lose Leads To Bad Browser Compatibility Mon, 19 Feb 2018 13:00:50 +0000 It’s a wide, wide web out there, and there are lots of tools and resources you can use to reach your potential new clients, but are you making your site available to them all? If you’re not considering multiple browsers while designing your site, then that’s a definite no. It’s easy to get caught up in Chrome – which is...

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4 Awesome Tips to Help Dealers Online Wed, 31 Jan 2018 17:40:23 +0000 For this week’s Wednesday Workshop, we’ve got a special treat! Our VP of Customer Service was visiting the SEO team in Dallas, so I grabbed him and put him on the spot… He shares 4 awesome tips to help dealers online. Watch and learn some simple tips that will help your dealership excel online (and in the future). VIDEO TRANSCRIPT...

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The ADA Update is Almost Here. How Accessible is Your Site? Tue, 16 Jan 2018 20:51:19 +0000 With an upcoming update for the ADA (American with Disabilities Act), let’s take just a few minutes and talk about what this means for website owners. The ADA was signed into law in 1990, and was designed to prevent discrimination against marginalized groups. When you see a ramp next to a set of stairs or sign language interpreter, you’re seeing...

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How To Navigate Error Pages Like An Expert Mon, 15 Jan 2018 14:41:44 +0000 To err is human, and to get an error page is just another part of having a website. We’re all uncomfortably familiar with the 404 error page, but that’s just the tip of the iceberg. There are plenty of other ways you can cause an error on your website, and a few things your visitors can do too. If you...

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Four Things You Should Never Do When Redirecting Mon, 20 Nov 2017 15:12:43 +0000 Whether you’ve moved your site to a new domain or are testing out a new update, eventually you’re going to have to redirect one of your URLs.  This can either be a simple process, or be the cause of annoying errors and slow load times that frustrate your visitors and increase your bounce rates. If you want to avoid slowing...

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Dissecting Your Website’s Anatomy Mon, 09 Oct 2017 14:59:58 +0000 Understanding the anatomy of a well-optimized site isn’t brain surgery, but it’s one of those fundamentals that you just can’t ignore. In order to provide a seamless experience for your site visitors, you should have the basics of site structure down to a science. To produce a finely tuned website specimen, there are a few variables you should keep in...

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Add a video tour of your dealership to your website Wed, 30 Aug 2017 17:24:58 +0000 In this week’s video, we talk about giving a video tour of our brand new office… which leads to an awesome tip about sharing a video tour of your dealership on your website. Watch and learn how to make your website experience better, so you’ll stand out from all of your competitors. VIDEO TRANSCRIPT Welcome back to another Wednesday Workshop...

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Third Party Tools Are Slowing Down Your Site. Here’s How to Fix It. Fri, 25 Aug 2017 15:58:49 +0000 Your site is, in today’s technological age, the first thing most of your customers see. Site visitors become purchasers in the long run, and the speed of your site is an important variable in their decision-making process. On average, 40 percent of visitors will leave a site that takes more than three seconds to load, which means you don’t have...

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Site Search: To Filter or Not to Filter? Tue, 13 Jun 2017 21:32:59 +0000 Let’s be upfront about this: I advocate filtered site search as opposed to free form search, and here’s why. When it comes to finding things on your website, your customers are either clicking buttons or using a search box. This is true whether you sell cars, cookies, or clothes. Nearly every single person on your website looking for a particular...

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How’s the content on your interior pages? Wed, 17 May 2017 14:18:08 +0000 This week’s video is a really short one – but that’s on purpose. It’s a metaphor for the content on the interior pages of your website. Watch this week’s Wednesday Workshop to see what we mean… VIDEO TRANSCRIPT Hey, welcome back to another Wednesday Workshop from DealerOn! This week we’re going to talk about the content on your websites –...

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Design for the Device Wed, 03 May 2017 14:45:47 +0000   Website design is about more than just having the sleekest, flashiest thing on the market, it’s about functionality. Above all, your site has to be useable, and that’s even more critical for your mobile site. I’ve talked before about mobile optimization and different tips & tricks for boosting optimization. A lot of people tend to think that the “mobile”...

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Split Your Split Testing Tue, 04 Apr 2017 21:08:04 +0000   Let’s talk some website optimization. Everyone knows that A/B testing (or split testing) is vital to finding out which elements of your site convert best. It’s the fine art of showing your website visitors variables of things like CTAs, banner ads, click-to-call buttons, and more so that you can pick the ones that performs the very best. But, are...

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