Sustainable Healing With an Outpatient Treatment Program

Get in touch with Mind Body Optimization today for a supportive outpatient treatment program that addresses your needs and symptoms for holistic healing. 

Table of Contents

Finding Mental Health Treatment

More than 20% of U.S. adults currently have a mental illness, but only less than half of these individuals receive treatment. This is often due to time constraints, stigma, or concerns about having to take medication for the rest of their lives.1

At Mind Body Optimization (MBO), we remove those barriers with our easy-to-access outpatient treatment program that creates lasting and sustainable healing. 

Our integrative mental health treatments address the mind, body, and spirit, unlocking your potential to live your optimal life. Together, we can pave a path of healing worth following – one where we can all find sustainable change. 

Understanding What an Outpatient Treatment Program Is

Outpatient mental health treatment programs are designed for people experiencing mild to moderate mental illness symptoms. These plans are personalized, with most people attending treatment one to two days a week. 

Based on your needs, your treatment might include talk therapy, meditation, nutritional workshops, and other focus programs.

Other benefits of our outpatient treatment program include:

  • Flexibility: You are in control of your schedule when joining MBO’s outpatient treatment program. Easily schedule appointments outside of working hours so that you can improve your mental health without sacrificing your obligations. 
  • Different Treatment Options: Outpatient treatments can address depression, anxiety, PTSD, and other mental health conditions. You’ll undergo treatment based on your specific circumstances and goals so you can take strides towards a healthier, happier you.  
  • Empower Yourself With Sustainable Healing: MBO’s outpatient treatment program helps people become self-sufficient so that they no longer need mental health treatment. At the same time, we offer long-term support to help our clients remain steady on their path to wellness.

Outpatient vs. Inpatient Treatment

Mental health treatment programs are categorized as inpatient or outpatient based on the level of care required. Inpatient treatment provides a higher level of care than outpatient programs, and it is often recommended for people who have severe symptoms or have a dual diagnosis. 

An outpatient treatment program and an inpatient treatment program also have different levels of intensity, with higher and lower levels of care. 

Inpatient Hospitalization

As the highest level of care, inpatient hospitalization is reserved for people with severe mental health symptoms or those who pose a risk to themselves or others. 

Patients receive around-the-clock monitoring and treatment focused on crisis management and stability. Patients typically stabilize within a few days or weeks and then transition to another treatment program. 

Residential Treatment

A step down from inpatient hospitalization, this treatment occurs in a residential setting staffed with mental health professionals. These programs typically include individual therapy, group sessions, and medication management. 

You’ll also have downtime to socialize with others living in the facility. Treatment can last for weeks or months. Once completed, you can continue your progress in another treatment program.  

Partial Hospitalization

Mental health providers often recommend partial hospitalization after completing residential treatment. Individuals will attend treatment up to five days a week, for five to nine hours at a time. 

As with residential treatment, you can expect individual and group therapy sessions, along with medication management if needed. 

Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP)

An Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP)
provides structured treatment for significant mental health conditions while offering more flexibility than partial hospitalization. 

These programs typically meet multiple times a week for group therapy sessions, and patients might also need to attend individual therapy. Programs often last two to three months, and people can move to a traditional outpatient program once completed.  

Outpatient Treatment Program

If you’re dealing with mild to moderate mental health symptoms, you may benefit from an outpatient treatment program. As the lowest level of care, it provides the most flexibility. Treatment usually takes place one to two times a week, and you can work it around your schedule.

Some types of an outpatient treatment program will only offer talk therapy, but MBO treats both the mind and the body. By providing comprehensive care that treats the whole person, MBO offers sustainable healing. 

The Mind-Body Connection in an Outpatient Treatment Program

Your mind and body are intractably connected and influence one another. Negative thoughts and emotions can lead to physical problems, and physical issues can harm your mental health. 

MBO focuses on the mind, body, and spirit through holistic healing, therapeutic modalities, and an emphasis on nutrition and wellness. These treatments help your mind and body align in a positive way that promotes overall health. 

Holistic Healing

Holistic treatments address your mental, physical, emotional, and social well-being. With your personalized healing plan, you can alleviate mental health symptoms, reduce stress, develop interpersonal skills, and extend your longevity. 

At Mind Body Optimization, you will learn skills to use well after your treatment ends. This enhances long-term health and wellness. Our outpatient treatment program makes sure to incorporate aspects of whole-person healing into treatment plans for comprehensive support. 

Therapeutic Modalities

MBO also provides evidence-based treatments tailored to the client’s individual needs. When designing the plan, your care team will determine which treatment modality or modalities are right for you.

Our MBO team also believes in collaboration, so your wants and needs are a critical component to sustainable results. 

We have a broad range of options at your disposal when you join an outpatient treatment program, such as:

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

Ruminating on negative thoughts and feelings can exacerbate an existing mental illness or cause someone to develop symptoms. CBT is used to help people identify and change unhelpful thinking and behavior patterns. This reduces symptoms, creates clarity, and empowers people with self-confidence. 

A review of meta-analyses determined that up to 87% of patients who received CBT for depression responded to treatment. Additionally, CBT’s success rate is 77% for panic disorder and 82% for borderline personality disorder.2

MBO offers different types of CBT, including rational emotive behavior therapy (REBT) and dialectical behavior therapy (DBT). Your care team might use a mixture of these modalities or focus on a specific type of CBT. 

Experiential Therapy

MBO offers experiential therapy through role-playing, family sculpting, guided imagery, and meditation. You may engage in one of these activities while identifying and processing negative emotions. Many people find that it’s easier to focus on traumatic memories when engaging in activities. 

Also, the emotions experienced during these activities can positively alter your mindset around the traumatic event. For instance, if you feel happy or calm during the activity, you might also learn how to feel calm when reflecting on the traumatic event.  

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)

Traumatic events cause distressing memories and somatic symptoms, such as headaches and chronic pain. These symptoms will often persist until you process the traumatic memories. Since the brain stores these memories in fragments, it can be challenging to overcome without professional help. 

An EMDR therapist can help you access memory fragments and process them. Studies show that EMDR therapy provides faster relief from emotional and physical symptoms than trauma-focused CBT.3

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) (Coming Soon)

Most people respond well to talk therapy and medication when dealing with depression. However, this makes it especially frustrating for those suffering from treatment-resistant depression. While traditional therapies may provide some relief, many of the symptoms linger for treatment-resistant individuals. 

MBO will soon offer transcranial magnetic stimulation for individuals who haven’t previously responded to treatment. TMS uses magnetic fields to stimulate the brain, and sessions will be carried out over six to eight weeks. This can be done in an outpatient treatment program, and you won’t need anesthesia. 

It’s estimated that 50-60% of people with treatment-resident depression have success with TMS, and around one-third are symptom-free at the end of treatment.4 The results typically last for over a year, and then you can undergo additional TMS treatment if desired. 

Contact MBO for more information if you’re currently dealing with symptoms that haven’t responded to treatments. You might feel alone right now, but you can overcome your symptoms with the right treatment. 


It’s hard to live in the moment when dealing with mental health symptoms. You may find yourself ruminating on the past, making it hard to focus on the moment and heal from other stressors. Meditation teaches you how to live in the current moment without judgment.  

Meditation has proven effective in treating anxiety, PTSD, depression, trauma, and other mental health issues.5

Additionally, it can lower blood pressure, improve memory, reduce pain, and increase your immunity response. It’s beneficial enough that it’s often recommended that you continue practicing meditation at home after ending treatment. 

Nutrition and Wellness Programs

MBO offers workshops and programs focused on holistic wellness. These offerings will teach you how to improve your mental and physical health through proper nutrition and exercise. 

Exercising reduces depression and anxiety while building confidence and self-esteem. There are also numerous other physical benefits, such as weight loss and management, strengthening your bones, and lowering the risk of illness and disease.6

How To Start a New Care Routine

Starting a new exercise routine can be daunting, but your care team at MBO will help. You will learn how much exercise you need, what activities provide the best results, and how to measure your progress. This will put you on the right track to begin and stick with an exercise routine. 

Your care team will also teach you about proper nutrition. You may think that nutrition comes down to staying within a specific calorie limit, but that’s only part of the equation. 

Research shows that eating ultra-processed and other unhealthy foods can make the symptoms of depression and other mental illnesses worse. On the other hand, a diet consisting of healthy foods can reduce symptoms related to depression, anxiety, ADHD, and other mental illnesses.7

Our soon-to-come nutritional counseling services will help individuals work through their needs and get the assisted support they deserve during treatment.

outpatient treatment program

The Benefits of an Outpatient Treatment Program at MBO

Mental illness can make you feel as if you don’t have any power or control over your life. While your symptoms might be in control now, you can regain your power by undergoing outpatient treatment at MBO. Our program offers multiple benefits, including:

Personalized Treatment Plans

You can treat your body and mind with personalized plans at MBO. Your care team will create the plan based on your mental health diagnosis, manifesting symptoms, overall health, and other factors. 

You can also have input on the treatment plan you receive. We value your story — seen through your lens and with your own words. With your help, we can devise the ideal treatment plan for your recovery to ensure that you get the most out of your treatment.

Collaborative Care

Because MBO has a collaborative team of therapists, medical doctors, and psychiatrists on staff, you can receive your personalized treatment under one roof. Your care providers will collaborate to ensure your treatment is on track and make adjustments if necessary.   

Continuum of Care

MBO offers various ways to start an outpatient treatment program, allowing you to transition between levels of care if needed. With the goal of sustainable healing, MBO also offers long-term support if needed. You aren’t alone on your journey to recovery when using MBO. 

Flexibility and Convenience

Finding the time to take care of yourself can seem impossible. You have commitments to meet, and missing them could create more stress, worsening your symptoms. 

However, MBO alleviates that stress by offering convenient appointment times for clients. You can also use telehealth for a remote session as part of the outpatient treatment program. 

Empower Yourself With an Outpatient Treatment Program at MBO

You can treat your mental illness on your schedule with a personalized plan at MBO. Start down the road to sustainable healing by contacting MBO today. 

We’re here to help you thrive.